Roadworks Outside Mercato On Byron

The Scoop /Roadwworks Outside MErcato ON Byron

There will be roadworks outside Mercato on Byron for two weeks from 6 December, as required by Byron Shire Council. During this period, it will be BUSINESS AS USUAL for our tenants and their customers.

The work starts on Monday, December 6 at Jonson Street with the extension of the median strip to the north, along with a new pedestrian crossing being installed in front of the centre. Works will take approx. 2 weeks to complete.

The work will create permanent, left-in and left-out vehicle access to and from Jonson Street.

The changes are required to comply with Byron Shire Council conditions and to ensure ease of access both into and out of Mercato on Byron, and in accordance with Council’s new traffic strategy for the Byron CBD.

While there may be some noise and dust outside the property, we expect there will be no disruption to your regular shopping trips with business as usual.

Merry Christmas from all of us at Mercato on Byron.